Room Parents are an important part of the volunteer staff at MTES. They are the liaisons between classroom parents, teachers and the PTA.
Room Parent Chair Time Requirement – A few hours to start off the year. Occasionally throughout the year, forward emails about PTA events/activities to room parent list.  
Summary of Responsibilities:
1. Prepare and provide descriptions outlining the duties of a room parent.
2. Prepare information and materials parents will need to help them throughout the year (ex. class parties and staff appreciation week needs)
3. Hold a room parent meeting at the beginning of year to distribute information
4. Create a FaceBook group or Pinterest page for room parents to share templates and ideas for parties and gifts (optional)
Room Parent Volunteer Opportunity – As a room parent, you will be the liaison between your teacher and class parents. Room parents help coordinate class parties, teacher appreciation gift and other classroom needs your teacher may have. 5th grade Room parents are expected to help with the 5th grade Promotion Event committee.
Note: Almost all Room Parents and Room Parent Coordinators have little ones at home.  Don't let that stop you from volunteering!